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TRU Donation Provides Support for Suicide Prevention Efforts

decorative banner image with the TRU management logo and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention logo

Did you know that suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States?

September is suicide prevention month—a time to raise awareness of a crisis that affects too many people across the nation. Most people have been impacted by suicide in some way, and we’re committed to doing our part to reduce the occurrences and heartbreak this issue causes. The wonderful people at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention work hard every day to bring us closer to this goal, and we were happy to support them with a donation.

The AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide in any way. They do this through scientific research, education, advocacy, and other forms of support. Their website has several resources to aid in the cause. You can learn facts and statistics, read real stories, get help, or lend your support.

Click here to learn more about this amazing organization.